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How to prepare the SCI journal papers

(发布日期:2017-10-30 点击数:7)





Professor M. W. Fu, his research endeavors include integrated product and process design and development, metal-forming technologies, processing of advanced materials and micromechanics. He is also sitting in the editorial board of some longstanding SCI Journals including

(1) International Journal of Plasticity (SCI journal),

(2) Materials and Design (SCI),

(3) International Journal of Damage Mechanics (SCI),

(4) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (SCI),

(5) The Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering-English (SCI)

(6) The Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering-Chinese

(7) Manufacturing Review (SCI)

(8) Advances in manufacturing (SCI)

(9) Int Journal of light materials and manufacturing (New Journal)

(10) Int. J. of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology

Professor Fu is also serving as an invited reviewer for many SCI journals, prestigious project awards, and funding applications. He has about 165 papers published/accepted by SCI journals and three monographs arising from his researches. In addition, he has a few conference papers awarded with the Outstanding Paper awards in some international conferences such as the International Conference on micro-manufacturing and a few Highly Cited Papers in the ISI web of Knowledge.
